Merlot Bouquet


The Merlot Bouquet is an exquisite arrangement showcasing deep burgundy and delicate ivory tones. This elegant composition features dried peonies and roses, complemented by additional florals that create a light, airy effect. The Merlot Bouquet radiates sophistication and brings a warm, inviting charm to any space.

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The Merlot Bouquet is an exquisite arrangement showcasing deep burgundy and delicate ivory tones. This elegant composition features dried peonies and roses, complemented by additional florals that create a light, airy effect. The Merlot Bouquet radiates sophistication and brings a warm, inviting charm to any space.

The Merlot Bouquet is an exquisite arrangement showcasing deep burgundy and delicate ivory tones. This elegant composition features dried peonies and roses, complemented by additional florals that create a light, airy effect. The Merlot Bouquet radiates sophistication and brings a warm, inviting charm to any space.

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