Boysenberry Bouquet

from $85.00

The Boysenberry Bouquet features a refined blend of dried and preserved blooms in rich boysenberry and soft mauve hues, highlighted by a luxurious deep red rose at its heart. This exquisite arrangement adds a touch of elegance to any setting, making it a perfect choice for both gifts and home decor. With its moody colours and sophisticated style, it promises to be a captivating and delightful addition for years to come.

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The Boysenberry Bouquet features a refined blend of dried and preserved blooms in rich boysenberry and soft mauve hues, highlighted by a luxurious deep red rose at its heart. This exquisite arrangement adds a touch of elegance to any setting, making it a perfect choice for both gifts and home decor. With its moody colours and sophisticated style, it promises to be a captivating and delightful addition for years to come.

The Boysenberry Bouquet features a refined blend of dried and preserved blooms in rich boysenberry and soft mauve hues, highlighted by a luxurious deep red rose at its heart. This exquisite arrangement adds a touch of elegance to any setting, making it a perfect choice for both gifts and home decor. With its moody colours and sophisticated style, it promises to be a captivating and delightful addition for years to come.

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