Sunset Bouquet

from $79.00

The Sunset Bouquet is a stunning array of vibrant oranges and pinks, crafted to illuminate any space. This enchanting arrangement showcases a preserved rose alongside a bold dried protea, beautifully complemented by a selection of dried florals. Ideal for infusing warmth and joy into your surroundings, the Sunset Bouquet captures the explosive colours of a breathtaking sunset.

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The Sunset Bouquet is a stunning array of vibrant oranges and pinks, crafted to illuminate any space. This enchanting arrangement showcases a preserved rose alongside a bold dried protea, beautifully complemented by a selection of dried florals. Ideal for infusing warmth and joy into your surroundings, the Sunset Bouquet captures the explosive colours of a breathtaking sunset.

The Sunset Bouquet is a stunning array of vibrant oranges and pinks, crafted to illuminate any space. This enchanting arrangement showcases a preserved rose alongside a bold dried protea, beautifully complemented by a selection of dried florals. Ideal for infusing warmth and joy into your surroundings, the Sunset Bouquet captures the explosive colours of a breathtaking sunset.

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