Wild and Free Bouquet

from $68.00

The Wild and Free Bouquet is an exquisite preserved and dried floral design that celebrates texture and form. Its muted palette of lights and darks combines harmoniously, creating a striking visual contrast. The bouquet features a rich variety of rustic blooms, each adding unique texture and depth. This carefully curated arrangement captures the natural beauty and elegance of wildflowers, making it a perfect centerpiece for any space.

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The Wild and Free Bouquet is an exquisite preserved and dried floral design that celebrates texture and form. Its muted palette of lights and darks combines harmoniously, creating a striking visual contrast. The bouquet features a rich variety of rustic blooms, each adding unique texture and depth. This carefully curated arrangement captures the natural beauty and elegance of wildflowers, making it a perfect centerpiece for any space.

The Wild and Free Bouquet is an exquisite preserved and dried floral design that celebrates texture and form. Its muted palette of lights and darks combines harmoniously, creating a striking visual contrast. The bouquet features a rich variety of rustic blooms, each adding unique texture and depth. This carefully curated arrangement captures the natural beauty and elegance of wildflowers, making it a perfect centerpiece for any space.

Bloom Pot - Assorted Colours
Merlot Bouquet
Tiny Hugs To Go Set
Floral Delights Gift Set
Vintage Teacup Candle
Sale Price:$23.50 Original Price:$28.50