Rose Quartz Bouquet
The Rose Quartz Bouquet is an exquisite preserved and dried floral design that mimics the gorgeous pink shades of this beloved precious stone which symbolises love. Its captivating palette transitions seamlessly from delicate pinks to deeper hues, accentuated by touches of cream for striking contrast.
The Rose Quartz Bouquet is an exquisite preserved and dried floral design that mimics the gorgeous pink shades of this beloved precious stone which symbolises love. Its captivating palette transitions seamlessly from delicate pinks to deeper hues, accentuated by touches of cream for striking contrast.

The Rose Quartz Bouquet is an exquisite preserved and dried floral design that mimics the gorgeous pink shades of this beloved precious stone which symbolises love. Its captivating palette transitions seamlessly from delicate pinks to deeper hues, accentuated by touches of cream for striking contrast.