Glacier Bouquet - Bridal Bouquet


The Glacier Bouquet is a stunning dried flower arrangement that embodies the ethereal beauty of icy whites. It features delicate white amaranthus cascading gracefully, complemented by pristine white roses, white hydrangea, and a selection of other snow white florals. This bouquet captures the purity and elegance of a winter landscape, offering a timeless and enchanting addition to any space or occasion.

All items will be dispatched or picked up during the designated month and year specified in the options bar. Because the flowers store beautifully, in the event that your chosen wedding month is fully booked, you have the flexibility of opting for a previous month to have them sent or collected and storing the flowers until your wedding day; simply refer to the dried flower care page on our website for detailed instructions. Please note you wedding date when you book.

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The Glacier Bouquet is a stunning dried flower arrangement that embodies the ethereal beauty of icy whites. It features delicate white amaranthus cascading gracefully, complemented by pristine white roses, white hydrangea, and a selection of other snow white florals. This bouquet captures the purity and elegance of a winter landscape, offering a timeless and enchanting addition to any space or occasion.

All items will be dispatched or picked up during the designated month and year specified in the options bar. Because the flowers store beautifully, in the event that your chosen wedding month is fully booked, you have the flexibility of opting for a previous month to have them sent or collected and storing the flowers until your wedding day; simply refer to the dried flower care page on our website for detailed instructions. Please note you wedding date when you book.

The Glacier Bouquet is a stunning dried flower arrangement that embodies the ethereal beauty of icy whites. It features delicate white amaranthus cascading gracefully, complemented by pristine white roses, white hydrangea, and a selection of other snow white florals. This bouquet captures the purity and elegance of a winter landscape, offering a timeless and enchanting addition to any space or occasion.

All items will be dispatched or picked up during the designated month and year specified in the options bar. Because the flowers store beautifully, in the event that your chosen wedding month is fully booked, you have the flexibility of opting for a previous month to have them sent or collected and storing the flowers until your wedding day; simply refer to the dried flower care page on our website for detailed instructions. Please note you wedding date when you book.

Please note: all these products are individually designed with dried and preserved florals that are available to us at the time. This means that the contents may vary slightly from the photo. However each will be beautiful, in keeping with the featured design and made with love. Trust the florist x

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