Alabaster Bouquet


The Alabaster Bouquet is an exquisite fusion of dried and preserved florals, blending refined white hues with gentle sand-coloured tones. This harmonious combination of delicate whites and soft sands renders it a versatile choice for enhancing home decor or as a considerate and elegant gift.

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The Alabaster Bouquet is an exquisite fusion of dried and preserved florals, blending refined white hues with gentle sand-coloured tones. This harmonious combination of delicate whites and soft sands renders it a versatile choice for enhancing home decor or as a considerate and elegant gift.

The Alabaster Bouquet is an exquisite fusion of dried and preserved florals, blending refined white hues with gentle sand-coloured tones. This harmonious combination of delicate whites and soft sands renders it a versatile choice for enhancing home decor or as a considerate and elegant gift.

Dreamer Bouquet
from $75.00
Pretty in Pink Posy
from $58.50
Vintage Elegance Bouquet
from $72.00
Lavender Melody - Posy for a Cause
from $58.00
Single Preserved Rose
from $38.00